Parts listed here are designed for the Remington Model 783 bolt action rifle model chambered in .223 Rem, .308 Win, .270 Win, .450 Bushmaster, 6.5 Creedmoor or other calibers unless noted otherwise. Update: The BATFE filed its Final Rule on stabilizing braces in the Federal Register on January 31, 2023. Rust may destroy some 788 ejector springs but clean ones can occasionally go bad as well. Shooting the Remington 783 .308* I stated the bolt as the firing pin.meant to say bolt* Good information. In either scenario, the extractor always pops over the cartridge rim. Common Remington 788 Problems and Solutions, Remington Model 14 Problems You Should Know, Remington 572 Problems That New Buyers Should Know About, Remington 7400 Problems that New Buyers Should Know About. Return to Remington Bolt Action Model 783, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. In our testing, compared to others it was not the best, but it is a very solid performer on the range. Overall take down is essentially the same on all of them but there will be variations from caliber-to-caliber. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. I personally believe Remington discontinued the 788 because it got too popular and cut into the 700 lines sales. Question about Marlin 783 22 magnum rifles. Feeding difficulties, most of which are caused by the magazine, are the most common problems with the 788 but extraction runs second. Due to the usage of many plastic parts, there were problems with the safety levers. You will find instructions on how to fix many of the Remington 870 problems in the How-to Videos Section. The Remington Model 788 is a unique rifle from its bolt to its trigger assembly. The Marlin XL7s, although discontinued, are a better alternative for this one. You should definitely get free repair work on this one. Help Finding a Part: Win Mod 1906 Hammer/Pump .22 TD Screw; Need gunsmith/machinist to make a rolling block breach pin; Making choke tubes out of D2 tool steel? Pics of trigger group from each side and top. Most spring loaded ejectors are retained in place by a pin that runs perpendicular to the axis of the ejector. If the hole is oversized, in the wrong location, or drilled at the wrong angle, the new extractor will NOT stay in place. It has a black punched S & F. It is hard to tell if the safety is on or not. The 32nd Edition of Blue Book of Gun Values shows $250 as the reasonable price for a 788 in 70% condition. Hello everyone. Use proper force to get the bolt to move forward. Features & Specifications of Remington 783: Barrel length: 16.5-24 inchesRemington 783. You are using an out of date browser. What the last guy did might get you in trouble. Also brought along a couple of reloads. This is what distinguishes the 783 from the bargain pack, as Shure Shot McGee noted! What is the Accutriggers lowest setting on a Remington 783? Hate to see you having to spend money to correct their mistake but the Boyd's stocks are nice and the selection is great. I'm not sure why this is or what I can do about it. At least as long as the barrel is high-quality. It verified the ammo had been tested and produced pressures between 58,200 and 60,200 psi. When the rear screw is removed, the trigger guard swing downs and falls off the rifle as it only hooks into the floor plate in the front. This is an ORIGINAL Remington part. Take your rifle back to where you bought it and have it sent back to Remington to have the chamber polished. The 783 is a fairly reliable rifle. The median of our three best groups, because we are going to make mistakes on some of them, was 1.243 inches. Simple, well-designed parts that were easily manufactured and assembled helped Remington rapidly establish the 788 in the marketmaybe too well. Because the capabilities of this weapon and .308 ammo seem to have similar accuracy drop offs. The one-piece front sight on the 788 is held in place with only one screw while the rear sight has multiple parts. The bolt closes exceptionally hard. Also not sure how to access spring within this bolt to stretch it. The solution is to have the firing pin hole reamed and sleeved. Many 788s have broken bolt handles from trying to push them open after forcing them shut. A bad chamber often causes extractors to fail by increasing the pressure on them many times. I have a winchester model 100 in .308 that I inherited from my grandfather it has been problematic for a while now it keeps failing to eject usually on the first or second round every time it's got 5 rd mags but its more like a single shot I replaced the piston because it was very deteriorated and . Polishing is good but leave them sharp and flat. If there is damage, you will find the internal lugs in the rear of the receiver in worse shape than those on the bolt. I had to do some work on mine, as well, to get the barrel floated, but it wasn't much work. The Remington 788s are a decent gun with a terrible extractor. Remington, model 540XR firing pin & spring, extractor parts lot $30.00 $5.00 shipping Remington 24 used parts trigger bolt firing pin springs $75.00 $7.00 shipping or Best Offer Factory Remington 700- Long Action - Firing Pin - Nice !! I gave the thing a fairly thorough cleaning (chamber, bolt, stock and barrel), but its been misfiring a lot. Make sure you are only drilling out the body of the old rivet and not cutting into the side of the bolt head. It's a .22 Remington FieldMaster pump, tube magazine. Outfit your Remington Model 783 with quality OEM and aftermarket parts/components to ensure reliable performance with every pump. It really feels unsafe compared to other rifles. If you are going to work on a trigger spring, work on a new one and not one someone else has taken a stab at. That is our totally unbiased, we bought this gun with our own money, we do not have a horse in the race review. We were wrong. Features & Specifications of Remington 788:ActionBolt-action repeaterCaliber.308 Win.Product weight7 lbs.Product length41/43.6 inchesCapacity3/4 roundsBarrel length22/24 inches. Fitting the spring to the firing pin is the correct way in my opinion. If the magazine is tight, remove the bolt and see if it fits as securely at the front of the receiver as at the rear. That was a very dangerous situation. Thanks. Troubleshoot chamber. It really feels unsafe compared to other rifles. Perhaps a firing pin spring replacement? I had a question for those familiar with the Remington 783. This made it cheaper to build and easier to work on but the down side is that many of the pins get loose as they are driven in and out over the years. The larger rim must be high enough to let the cartridge release and enter the chamber. Those extractors are all constructed with a flimsy thumbnail that has been riveted or snapped into a groove. I fit it in a way that the spring could not touch the pin other than its seat at the front of the firing pin. Just be aware and be careful; this happened to new Remington 700 XCR . They are somewhat heavy. Parts listed here are designed for the Remington Model 783 bolt action rifle model chambered in .223 Rem, .308 Win, .270 Win, .450 Bushmaster, 6.5 Creedmoor or other calibers unless noted otherwise. If a gunsmith is unable to fix the OEM system, Timney makes a reliable aftermarket trigger/safety. It takes brute force to push the case head past the extractor. Lift the end of the spring that rests against the plastic followers back at the bottom, below where the backs of the rounds are. Remington 783 Integral Scope Mounts, 1" and 30mm Rings, Silver, Remington 783 Integral Scope Mounts, 1" and 30mm Rings, Matte Black, Remington Model 783 Long Action 4 Round Magazine, Remington Model 783 Long Action Magnum 3 Round Magazine, Remington Model 783 Short Action .308 4 Round Magazine, Remington Model 783 Short Action .22-250 Magazine, Remington Model 783 Short Action .223 Magazine, Warne Savage Axis & Accu-Trigger / Ruger American / Remington 783 2-Piece Steel Scope Bases, Matte B, Warne Maxima Remington 700 Front Scope Mount Extension .554", Matte Black, Sling Swivel Set for Bolt Action Rifles 1", Dakota Arms 2 Panel Bolt Handle, Unfinished, Dakota Arms Pre 64 Swivel Set With Contour, Dakota Arms 3 Panel Bolt Handle Unfinished, Dakota Arms Plain Bolt Handle, Unfinished, Dakota Arms Remington Bolt Handle, Unfinished, 1101 Mason Circle Drive Pevely, MO 63070 Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm CST, 2023 Midwest Gun Works, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. The cutout should face up towards the lug on the roll pin side. -Firing Pin Spring. The inside of the spring coils would need to be polished and smoothed also. If the firing pin wasn't making it thru the bolt head to strike the primer, then the light dents wouldn't occur on misfires. The overall condition of the magazine is also very important. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Firearms in Focus. Move the safety to the middle of the three positions and open and remove the bolt. Finally, if you want a Remington, get an old 700. From an accuracy standpoint, and this is the gun you own, you are going to be fine. The first thing to consider is smoothness of the springs drag points. Here are some images of the pins, clean and dirty: I cleaned the firing pins and retainer pins like this: Just chuck the parts in a drill and polish with the ScotchBrite pad. It was too close. 1911 Aluminum Buffers; Carl Gustav 1867 roller firing pin; Stevens 44 vs 414 For shot control, it's equipped with the crisp CrossFire trigger system that's user adjustable to suit your preferences. Replace it with a better one. When it misfires, OP reports a small light dent on the primer. With the receiver out of the stock, the magazine guide bar and screw are plainly visible in front of the trigger assembly. Standard calibers have a four round capacity and magnum calibers hold three rounds. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. That ammo in this gun is just a bad combo. which would be the easiest? We know that it is pretty standard that when it is pulled back it is on safe, but it is easy to get confused. When it came back it worked like a dream. But, what we did learn is it is not Remingtons fault. The gun is a Remington 783 and I have no other 30-06 rifle to test with. However, the biggest obstacle youll face is caliber. GTR REMINGTON 700 FLUTED FIRING PIN ASSEMBLY, GTR REMINGTON 700 FLUTED FIRING PIN ASSEMBLY, Looking for load data, 300 PRC, 210 ABLR, Retumbo, 338 or 375 EnABELR or alternative cartridge for ELR hunting, Extreme Long Range Hunting & Shooting (ELR), Thermal and LPVO suggestions for lever action. Disconnect the magazines plastic floor from the metal box. When disassembled, it functions perfectly insofar as bolt lock up, hammer release, and firing pin contact. In rimfire, the major gun-related factors are excessive headspace, worn chamber mouths, damaged or misaligned firing pins, and too much firing pin surface. My own 783 stock wasnt floated so I set about it with a dremmel small sanding gun and reamed out about 1/4 of an inch .It is now fully floated as per spec .The finish on budget rifles of any make is to be desired but with a bit of handiwork they can be serviceable if not pretty . You can glass bed the action in the stock so it goes in to the same place every time and relieve the barrel chanel. Dental burrs work perfectly for this job. Pretty decent overall design that was actually sort of an evolution of the Marlin MR7 - which was based on the Win M70. Welcome to the Remington Owners Forum Kris !. It will come apart like a shot when this pin is removed. Before removing an extractor or ejector, always take out the firing pin and spring. In regard to both models: The good: Good barrels. This Remington Model 783 has a 22in barrel, but there were no problems as the velocities from . Tikkamike said: Sounds like something is stuck in font of or behind the bolt lugs beat it open with a chunk of wood and look in there with a light. I read that marlin and maybe Ruger manufacturers these parts but wanted to know the exact model I should order and if anyone has any advice on what I should swap out. Adjustment is simple with the Crossfire trigger (a sort of Accutrigger). Yes, this spring can be cut back a very small amount and still have a safe trigger. It seldom ever needs to be replaced. The gun wont fire a shot. Required fields are marked *. There have been lawsuits over this rifle firing when it should not have.. When all three of these things happen and the rifle is on safe while the trigger is pulled with more than 20 pounds of pressure, the safety is moved and the rifle can fire. Press the cocking piece locking button and unscrew the firing pin/cocking piece assembly. Change broken firing pin. I am not too sure about the Winchester ammo. Any thoughts on fixing this issue? Repairing Remington 788 Bolt-Action Rifles, Diamondback Sidekick DB0500A001 22 LR/22 WMR, Heritage Rough Rider Tactical Cowboy RR22B6-TH 22 LR/22 Magnum, SIG Sauer P938 Legion No. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But if you pull really hard, it may occasionally come out straight. Clean the gun. Shadow Systems CR920 Vs Sig Sauer P365: A Detailed Comparison. I had one of those springs break one time and jamned the firing pin up in the channel so badly it would not fire at all. MSRP starts at $439.00 About Bob Shell A Custom Reloader of Obsolete and Antique Ammo, Bob Shell, writes. Make sure the trigger assembly fits tightly in the receiver before removing it. Those two factors combined to bring about the 788. The Geco 105-gr bullets, which are excellent and legal for red deer in Scotland, shot 2,874fps and 1,926ft/lb energy. A new magazine for the .44 often solves the problem; the hard part is finding a .44 magazine. ive seen this happen alot on newer remington rifles what happens is while the gun is in it break in period the bolt face will shave a little brass off the cases and during firing some of these shavings get worked into the bore of the plunger and get jammed in between the plunger and the bore the plunger sets in. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Both screws not only secure their parts on the rifle but are also loosened to make sight adjustments. The 788s track record suggests otherwise but clean the lugs thoroughly and check for wear. The lockup of the bolt is excellent, and it feels comfortable. Slip the magazine over it, making sure it slides on and off easily but tightly. So I picked up a Remington 783 in 30-06 about a week ago, and since then I've noticed two things with the rifle, one of them possibly very important. These have significantly more originality and personality than the 788s. This problem is less likely to affect you if you use a 788 with a small head size (.222Rem,.223Rem), or one of the rimmed 788s (.44Mag,.30-30). Sounds like a short firing pin, take the bolt out and measure how far the firing pin sticks out of the bolt face in the fired position, it should be .045-.054 inch. The Remington Model 783 is based on the Marlin XL7 design and available in six different calibers. This is not an adjustable trigger and adjustments can only be made through modification. It would close on an empty chamber. The safety, when misused or abused, can get to the point where it doesnt work correctly but is anything foolproof after it has been misused, abused, altered, etc? Push the cartridge follower up and down several times to make sure it moves freely and that the magazine latch is locking it in place. The most common problems with the Remington 783 are: accuracy problems, ejection/extraction issues, and failure to feed and firing pin problems. Troubleshoot firing pin, bolt etc. You can see in the video below how nervous I was. Feel free to share pictures, videos, news, stories, reviews (good and bad), tips & advice, questions, how-to guides, un-boxing's, etc. We use cookies to give you the best possible user experience & to analyze traffic. The Rem model 552 uses a weaker bolt return spring and light weight bolt so it can function with the .22 Short, the Heavy Rubber Buffer handles the added recoil from the more powerful rimfire cartridges. The .222 and .223 magazines often need work on the front part of their lips and require a tighter fit than the larger cartridge case sizes. For example, the bolt head assembly is often of a completely different design. However, if it extracts normally, the round may no longer be ejected. Commissions are earned for links to Brownell's, Amazon, MidwayUSA, GoHunt, OpticsPlanet, Sportsman's Warehouse, and other retailers. I have a 783, wood furniture, chambered in .233 and have a problem with light primer strikes 20% of the time, various brands of ammo. This happens when these rifles have been left loaded and the ejector spring has compressed over a period of years. Moreover, the bolt is weak and prone to breaking and damage. The 788 was the most affordable rifle during its time. Buy the gun, replace the stock, throw away the scope and you have got a shooter. New Shooters Guide: What Is a Pistol Caliber Carbine? Before we get into it, I should mention this is our in-depth review of just this gun. 783 Light Primer Strikes I have a 783, wood furniture, chambered in .233 and have a problem with light primer strikes 20% of the time, various brands of ammo. The acme firing pin company; Info on H&R 088 shotgun barrel? This happens with loads that caused a 168bthp to exceed 27002800 frames per second. I've seen the 783 down at 599 with a weird little 3x9 scope onboard. A very common problem in many rifles is the firing pin spring. In that case, the stock one needs to be discarded. Location. Additionally, you will get authentic reviews from users as well. Shop our extensive selection of Remington firing pin parts - machined to perfection in your choice of metals . It doesnt make much sense to spend a lot of money on a .308 or too little on a 30.06 or.300 Rem Mag with this gun. This repeatedly happens. The gun came with a 4 lb adjustable trigger but it was actually nice quality. It was the eighth round through with the gun and I could not get the bolt to open. Weve spent enough time talking about magazines. Manage Settings Although not exceptionally light or smooth, the trigger is fairly quick. So, I really leave it up to you, if you want to spend the money. That is what it really comes down to. ARCHIVED; Armory Shotguns. It should have no play but if it does, tighten it before attempting other work on the trigger assembly. Remove the bolt and check out the three locking lugs at the rear next to the bolt handle. I use neutral shoe polish and it works great. Remove the fore-end assembly to check for crud and rust. We also had issues with the bolt. Shadow Systems CR920 Vs Sig Sauer P365: A Detailed Comparison, Common Remington 783 Problems and Solutions, Remington 11-48 Problems that New Buyers Should Know About, 4 Henry .45-70 Problems You Should Know (Solutions Added), Problems with Ruger American Predator Rifle That Are Frequent. Wiggle the sear while it is in the trigger housing before removing its retaining pin. If the pin doesnt protrude .055 when de-cocked, check the far end of the bolt tube for bits of powder, metal, or dried oil. The gun was designed exclusively for short-action cartridges. Luckily, it did not hit us, but I thought for sure it would. SAAMI Accepts 30 Super Carry As New Standardized Cartridge, SHOT 2022: Federal Premium Announces 30 Super Carry Cartridge, My Shot is Off: How To Sight in a Gun and, Henry 45-70 Lever-Action Rifle Safety Recall, Connecticut Gun Laws 2023: Permit Requirements, Alabama Gun Laws 2023: Permit Requirements. Youll find the 788 a simple rifle to work on although many of its parts are hard to get. It was designed to be an economy rifle that would be able to compete in the low end market with other, cheaper guns. Getting a new one to fit tightly can also be trying. To check the extractor, push a fired cartridge in the appropriate caliber into the face of the bolt head assembly and see if it grabs it tightly. Walther PDP vs Sig P320: Similar or Different? We shot some Winchester ammo where we had a round that was dangerous. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Remington used to sell some 788s with subpar safety features. When Remington introduced this rifle, many of us thought the firing pin would require frequent replacement. Push down on the front of the magazine rimnot the magazine followerto see if it is springy or easily moves downward. Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:58 pm. If it's the stock, at this point I'm willing to just shell out $100 for a new stock, to avoid having to send it off. The 722s are essentially 700s, as are the 721s, the long-action variation. They are also rather unadorned. The bar-type extractor is very stiff and should not move without a strong push to make it travel straight away from the bolt assembly. It is not necessary to remove the floor plate except for checking for rust and cleaning. MGW offers replacement stocks, scope mounts, bolt knobs/handles, sights, pins, springs and other small parts for this rifle. A burned case can easily be bound in there with just a little roughness. It also grabbed a healthy share of the mid-to-high priced rifle markets, including Remingtons other rifles. Simple lines and cheap stock aside, the 788 more than proved itself on the range and, more importantly, in the field. So, stay tuned! When Remington introduced this rifle, many of us thought the firing pin would require frequent replacement. the ejector spring is better known as the ejector plunger. Jul 20, 2014. #10. Went to site gun in and bought a brand new box of shells Remington 30-06 shells. But when the bolt is pushed downward, it will move down approximately 1/4th of an inch before stopping. halifax,ma. Other than the blade, there is no creep or take up, and it breaks cleanly. Without including flyers, the optimal grouping at 100 yards will be greater than 4. At that point, I did not even want to keep shooting the gun because there was such a nasty bolt catch. These bent back into the bolt face if too many rounds are chambered in the gun without loading them in the magazine. You definitely want to adjust it down, but it is okay. Steel for Action? If the spring is being guided by the firing pin, The firing pin needs polished very smooth. The Remington, The Remington 572 has been the first and only squirrel gun to many people! Most likely, there is dried grease and possibly some carbon. Our site uses JavaScript for a smooth and modern shopping experience; we protect your data and never sell it to 3rd parties. I did use a dowel and sandpaper to relieve the barrel of my 783. Later they changed to an inertial type with a spring. Even with the short spring the firing pin did not . It took on the cheaper rifles and grabbed the lions share of that market. Additionally, you will get authentic reviews from users as well. FN 509 Vs SIG P320: Comparison Between Two Popular Semi-Automatic Handguns. Another thing to look for is whether the bolt handle is all the way down when closed. You do everything exactly the same and you get the lone flier ruining your perfect one hole group. 218. After the bolt head is off the body, the bar extractor can be easily removed. At first I thought the problem might be with the ammo (Remington). In the chamber, turn a bronze brush only from the breech end. -Firing Pin. The 783 Jackaroo - it won't let you down. Any thoughts on fixing this issue? Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. They can shoot less than 1 for five shots without any effort. This is a gun I really wanted to hatenot that I came into the review biased, but I wanted to hate it right when we took it right out of the box. I haven't shot this gun very much myself, but this is the first problem I've had with it. The ejector is a spring-loaded pin that forces the cartridge body away from the bolt face as soon as the mouth of the cartridge leaves the receiver. The model 552 does NOT use a floating chamber to fire .22 S-L-LR. It appears that the firing pin is striking the casings too lightly & off to the side (but . wedding venues oahu private estates,
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