dcs flyable mods

It is an ad hoc base put together to serve helicopters and other vehicles and allow their refueling, rearmament, and recrewing at a position that is closer to the frontline. Given that it is a trainer, the Goshawk is a two-seat aircraft. Well now you can do that along with other non-flyable aicraft execpt 1 cause I ran out of time to do it. All of them worked in 1.5.4 but only a few still work in 1.5.5, Yeah, I just checked dropbox 1.5.5 folder, and I see the most interesting are still working :), https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2539621/, https://www.facebook.com/Cubanacesimulations/, https://www.artstation.com/cubanace-simulations, I am patched to the latest version (DCS Update 5), VSN_F18c & c works great (No radar missiles work egAGM84 not LGBs), VSN_Tornado: Works great but in the editor I don't see the aircraft when selecting the skin, VSN_Harrier works good but cant land on carrier as far as I can tell, VSN_Ada Modnone of these aircraft work, depends on which version you use of the F-18C, you can sort of use LGB, but it's problematic since the Su-25T avionics doesn't have a TGP or option to point downwards or behind the aircraft, also since we don't have the avionics for the AGM 84 and JSOW, they don't work. Go to your user \Saved Games\DCS\Mods\aircraft folder (for example C:\Users\your_username\Saved Games\DCS\Mods\aircraft). Fly the F-16 and with his payload but in the A-10 cockpit! Only cockpit interfaces that were animated in the original FC 3 package are also animated with this new mod. Not for all but a small agile chopper ready to get you where you need to go it is. Step 2: Select an agent and wait for the map to [Top 10] SFV Most Played Characters Loved By Millions Worldwide. I'm more comfortable running an .exe installer, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0, https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/license/, passing the integrity check and flying with weapons that don't work if they're not supported by already available avionics, creating a plane with a new name that doesn't exist in the default DCS library (what VSN team is doing), modifying SFM for AI aircraft to feel more realistic. Maybe I'm missing something with these planes, but when I'm in themI can't look around. Girls who play video gamesare sexy. I have Some questions: The Tornado works well as a SEAD aircraft with the alarm, the F18 though it can carry the AGm 88 seems more problematic does anyone have the 88c working well with the F/A 18. there are a few mods out there but mine are a little more polished with. The T-45 is a fun aircraft and great to get your carrier qualification out of the way in. As a matter of fact, if you are a serious DCS pilot you probably have one or two of these downloaded already. A survivor with sexy killer style, Jill Valentine is a cosplay must! Fine tune the art of carrier landing. LOVE the F-18 F, I think the two seater looks brilliant and this is like Christmas. Reply This community modtotally free by the wayhas gotten a lot of hype since its release, and for all the right reasons. Well, look no further. I Cant Understand What My Husband is Saying The mods below are very well completed with clickable cockpits in some cases. Its possible to find mods from most periods and the cold war period is no exception. A founding member of the Avengers, Thor first made his appearance in August 1962 in Marvels Journey into Mystery #83, created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Larry Lieber [Top 5] DCS World Best VR Headsets (Ranked). The latter is not necessary, but it is free and will certainly make the transition to carrier landings easier to get right. Superman has the red cape and tights. Typical of many attack helicopters, this aircraft is a two seater. Think again! Go up against improved AI opponents and utilize the save-game functionality to play long missions over more than one sitting. Despit the fact that many controls were modeled, the cockpits themselves were not clickable. Enjoy a highly detailed flight model and a clickable and interactive cockpit. This mod lets you perform carrier-borne operations. Even better, extra sorties were added which were not in the original novel. Despite its age, the FC 3 official mod and the aircraft it brought to DCS are still regarded by many players as some of the best planes on the DCS platformat least as far as playability goes. Ok so the TORNADO lands so fast I always break it, but otherwise brilliant. The instructor can pull a switch to determine who has control of the aircraft and can thereby guide you gently into the world of combat jet aviation. The 10 Types of Zombies from Hollywood Movies. The best DCS freeware mods are created from scratch or have a FC3 aircraft as a donor but are so modified they stand on their own as a new aircraft. Although not particularly fast, it is certainly maneuverable and responsive to pilot controls. In the beginning Zombies were low creatures who just walked around and were easy to outrun. I was curious if there was any other non-flyables in DCS . The A-4 Skyhawk mod has been an extremely well received module. Tail draggers will bite you quickly if you treat them poorly. Players take the captain's chair as they command their own starship and crew. It goes without saying that this mod should be paired with the official DCS F/A-18 module and perhaps the T-45 Goshawk. With more than 11,000 airframes manufactured, this legend continues to hold the record for the most-produced supersonic aircraft in history. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.. This makes the mod a perfect starting point for new pilots who want to get a feel for high speed jets before transitioning to more high-powered beasts like the Tomcat or the Hornet. Any number of moviegoers and comic fans alike will agree that Halle Berry's ability to crack that whip places her in the number 15 Video Games That Use Sex to Boost Sales. X Plane 11 The Best Performing Simulator Be Impressed Why NOW, X Plane 11.40 Update Is a Massive Leap Forward! Female Thor's areSexy Flaming Cliffs 3 is a great start for many mod creators for their new projects. To help you make some sense out of this hub-bub, we put together a list of what we consider to be the Top 20 DCS World mods. Here are the 10 best horror games you can play today. I have fully tested this and only found 1 bug and thats where if you control a plane that has a propeller on it you'll notice that the propeller doesnt want to animate altough you will still be flying the plane cause the engines are still going. This mod requires the F-15C mod, and currently uses the F-15C cockpit. Got it on the carrier first time too.not always that lucky. Get the realistic HUD for the Hornethere. Serving as the principal attack helicopter of the United States Army, the Longbow is a veteran of many conflicts. Small and nimble, this aircraft was nicknamed the "scooter" because it had impressive turning performance. Analyze how different missiles engage their targets and use that information to develop new tactics for how to defeat them. Alright good to know they don't currently work, thanks. For those of us who are fans of speculative fiction, 2019 promises to be a bonanza of sci-fi goodness, including quite a few new entries in the super-hero Top 50 Best Horror Movie Villains of All Time. Better yet, command an anti-aircraft gun and shoot at enemy jets. Edited November 20, 2019 by Rudel_chw. 10. From the developers: "DCS WW1 Flying Circus, A selection of 6 Player flyable WW 1 aircraft (4 fighters, 2 bombers) and numerous AI targets, including: 15 AI aircraft, an AI Zeppelin, 6 AI ships, 4 AI tanks, 5 AI Infantry & Machine Gun nests, and various other vehicles. There are generally no known major bugs in this version of the simulator so its the most trouble free. As a strategy, this mostly makes sense for helicopters such as the Apache and the Huey. Freeware Scenery Downloads A New World Awaits You! Hop into a T-45 Goshawk and follow the manual. License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute. Here's Proof They Are Among Us. Adds several SW themed aircraft, all flyable and usable by AI. This level of mod generally also has a clickable cockpit and extensive systems integrations. The pack is required to be installed for many of the mods to work. Combined Arms lets you play DCS on a whole new levelfrom the ground up as a matter of fact. - Thanks to Combatace got external 3D model. Overwatch cosplays has given us so many sexy characters to look at. Although trainers have lower performance in terms of speed, ceiling, and weapons systems when compared to frontline jets, they are also easier to fly. Re F18 I can ground stabilize the FLIR but not really lock things up for LGB drop..Any tips? I have been playing on a couple of the 4YA servers and noticed there is a slot for a Lancer. Note, full clickability could not be achieved as the FC 3 aircraft did not model all of the cockpit controls. This latest mod allows players to interact with the cockpits of FC 3 aircraft by clicking on the buttons. You will find all completed and released aircraft here. Please double-check the installation path. Dave Bautista Drax The Blackhawk is another fine example of what DCS freeware mods can be offered at a premium level of detail. Sometimes you just want to race. Missions are also available to take the player back to the Vietnam War and experience what it was like to fly this museum piece which was antiquated even by the standards of the 1960s. The two crewed bringer of death has primary weapons of the Heloise missiles as well as its own 30mm chain gun. :thumbup: New system:I9-9900KS, Kingston 64 GB DDR4 3200Mhz, RTX 3080(OC 2070 Mhz), Corsair H150 Pro RGB, Samsung 970 EVO 1 Tb, Scandisk m2 500 MB, 2 x Crucial 1 Tb, T16000M HOTAS, HP Reverb Professional, Corsair 750 Watt. Digital Combat Simulator is downloadable in two distinct versions being the stable and open beta releases. 1991-2022, Eagle Dynamics SA For hundreds of years, the human race has been fascinated by the possibilities of what might live beyond our atmosphere. New release aircraft like theF-16C Viper are still not available in the stable version and have been in pre release for nearly a year. The Eurocopter or Tiger as its known delivers plenty of punch with its nose mounted gun and assortment of attacking missiles. Simulator Gaming Accessories Create the Next Level Simulator, Start Your Own YouTube Channel and Entertain the WORLD, Storage Options and take Your Flight Simulator to the NEXT Level, The Best CPU for NEXT LEVEL Gaming Discover Amazing Performance. This mod brings a clickable cockpit to the aircraft from FC3. Many individual mods exist out there for DCS for individual aircraft (Su-34, Su-35, B-1B, etc.) Every person of every sex, gender-identity, ethnic identity, race identity, 15. W.E.C Campaign: DAY 1 Busy Carrier Operations | DCS WORLD. Let's take a look at the best ones Get real-time positional information by simply looking down at your phone or tablet. It's also multiplayer compatible! The beautiful, British, Cammy from Street Fighter is never far from fans minds. This is where NAV map comes in. Download. Flying the DCS: C-101 AVIOJET with VTB_Ray. Expertly crafted, the flight characteristics are highly realistic and take into account all variables that affect flight performance. Not all of them are updated for actual DCS version (2.5+). Naturally, this will include friendly and enemy aircraft, but also missile, gun, and radar activity. Like just the F-4 and Tomcat? Produced in countless models, the bis is widely considered to be the ultimate development of the Fishbed family. The most popular donor aircraft come from the Flaming Cliffs 3 pack which are a number of low fidelity aircraft. DOWNLOAD WWII NAVAL VESSELS Despite its limitations this is still a huge step in the right direction. The Tacview mod allows players to analyze what happened post-mission. As Top 25 Sexiest PhotosofCatwoman of All Time! Enjoy a highly detailed flight model and cockpit. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 The Future of Flight Sims has Arrived! natekid2222 2 yr. ago. Anubis' Super Hercules. Accordingly, they dont service fixed-wing aircraft and fast jets which require long concrete runways. The best part about this is that when your controlling the plane with this file then you'll still have the same cockpit as that 1 plane that you could originaly fly in the game but now when you go outside your cockpit you'll notice that the plane is the same one you chose and not just that but you also get the exact charateristics of that plane. Non-binary and Gender-queer! Instrument Gaming Accessories Make Your Sim REAL! This, of course, makes tacview the ultimate learning tool. If you are already a DCS World owner and have purchased a new module from DCS eStore that is aPre Releaseversion youwill notsee it available in the release version. Getting some very strange behavior: Call Us Today! Here are the facts Dynamic & Powerful for Every Gamers Needs! 7 Free Must-Have Aircraft mods for DCS Sandboxcode 409 subscribers Subscribe 49K views 6 months ago In this video we will outline 100% free Aircraft mods that you can install into DCS that. Its also pretty good at close air support so if you have the Combined Arms Module and or the JTAC payware modules then this aircraft could be the right tool for the job hitting some forward troop and light armored formations between the trees for cover. I think you all would agree with me that this is the easyest way to control non-flyable aircraft. This mod lets players utilize a forward base for their choppers. There are now a couple payware modules with the AH-64 Apache now in early access. Naturally, these aircraft include the venerable F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet, but they also include the E-2C Hawkeye early warning aircraft, the S-3 Viking ASW and tanker aircraft, and a host of other fixed and rotary-wing planes. Old system:I7-4770K(OC 4.5Ghz), Kingston 24 GB DDR3 1600 Mhz,MSI RTX 2080(OC 2070 Mhz), 2 * 500 GB SSD, 3,5 TB HDD, 55' Samsung 3d tv, Trackir 5, Logitech HD Cam, T16000M HOTAS. In keeping with the high sense of realism, players can also equip an external luggage pod used by pilots to ferry their personal belongings on trips to and from aircraft carriers. DCS TOP Addons l SK-60 l NAV MAP l Hornet HUD addon l New Assets Pack l ADDON SPOTLIGHT EP 5. U NEED LOMAN 4 FOR THIS MOD TO WORK,WE TESTED IT WITH THE OLDER VERSION AND IT DOSENT WORK. When downloading a mod check if you need the FC3 pack or another aircraft if another has been used as a base for the mod. Tested in DCS 2.7. Copyright 2020-2023 GamersDecide. If you install mods into main DCS folder instead of Saved Games, you will get Authorization Failed error for the new mods. Interactive tutorials and a full-fledged single player campaign also serve to enrich the players experience and guide them across this mods rather steep learning curve. Pick a tank and travel the map in search or combat or jump into your favorite aircraft.. It is no wonder that Spain chose it for their aerobatic display team. This community modtotally free by the wayhas gotten a lot of hype since its release, and for all the right reasons. Cosplayers have this knack for always adding something of their own to a cosplay, and to say two cosplays are exactly alike is disingenuous. TheSU-25 Frogfootis the close air support aircraft you have been waiting for. Plan out your own campaigns in the mission editor and use this awesome map as a backdrop for exciting air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. Although not particularly fast it can pull some amazing stunts. As of DCS World 2.7the latest version of the platformthis mod continues to be fully integrated. This mod brings the Mi-8 to the DCS players computer screen. It is still an incredibly fast interceptor and capable of altitudes many western aircraft can only dream of. The flight models are generally quite a lot of fun so you can push the boundaries if you wish and see if they bite you back. The model utilizes an expert flight model and a highly interactive and clickable cockpit. Also, I used to have an F15E mod which was actually flyable! Reshade is known to cause FPS issues with the mod. The weather can also be seasonal so you can experience a winter if thats your desire. That alone is testament to the popularity of this mod. Take your Experience to the Next Level! Getting into the cockpit, you are likely to be shocked by the amount of tech you will find inside. The 50 Prettiest Cosplayers From Blizzard Games. You have a top notch HOTAS setup and all of your favorite mods are in place and running perfectly. There is a lot of open source information for older aircraft including systems operations as well as performance parameters for aircraft at a wide range of configurations hence they can be quite accurate in performance to the real aircraft. Wanted to fly it in your SAM canyon mission but the baddies don't shoot, even when I have 2 bags hanging and gear down at 200 kts. Players choosing this mod will have the opportunity to experience this legendary aircraft in all of its glory. It doesnt always have to be about war. And also note that if you pick a plane that used to be a non-flyable aircraft that you couldnt control then when you hit the fly button the loading screen will turn blue. ^ that falls soley on the person that has the source model to re-export. Fast, sleek, and extremely nimble, the platform also packed a very powerful punch. New to flying? Trouble is brewing between the USA and the Soviet Union in the Black Sea after an accident involving an American vessel. You can now select the Avionics with .CMD files, just pick the avionic typ you want and run the .CMD, If you are a bit confused, take a look here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php&postcount=129. This mod has come a long way since I first took it over from KNNZubr, and now includes a limited air to ground capability with unguided bombs, rockets, and the AGM-88F HSCM (HARM Control Section Modification). Okay, now this one just makes plain sense. Step 1: Choose any game mode and enter matchmaking. When WWE wrestler Dave Bautista scored the role of Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy, fans had a doubtful pause, considering the hit-or- Top 17 Best Superhero Games To Play Right Now (2019/2020 Edition). For every mod you can chose the avionics of the Su-27/25T, A-10A, F-15C (but of course if you want another typ of avionic, you can change that), -Normal Aircrafts will use the AFM of the F-15C, -Carrier-based Aircrafts are using the SFM, -Carrier-based Aircrafts with the "AFM" in the name can't land on a carrier yet, The F-15E with the A-10A avionics has the same Weapons as the A-10A, The collision model of the F-14A, F/A-18C and Tornado will take the sweep wings in account, You can sweep the wings from the Tornado, and turn on/off the Nav Lights with "AltGr - L" "RCtrl - L", If you want to install a carrier mod, you have to extract that mod in: \DCS World\Mods\tech folder, if you don't have the tech folder, create one, _________________________________________________________, Download Link: VSN_Mods 2.5.X - 2.8.X -VSN Mods, Download Link: VSN_Mods - DCS World Version only, These mods are getting always updates as long as cdpkobra and his friends are still working on it or it is still possible to update/implement them, The VSN_FA18C, VSN_F5E and the VSN_M2000 are now coming with skins from: [CH]-SubZero, In order to let them work, you need to have at least the following module: DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3. DCS Modding Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World VSN New F-104 Mod VSN New F-104 Mod By Somu October 4, 2021 in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World Share Followers 8 1 2 3 4 Next Page 1 of 4 Somu Members 26 Posted October 4, 2021 Hello Where can i download last F-104 vsn mod? This mod lets players get into the cockpit of the Fishbedone of the most respected Cold War era Soviet fighters. The flight model is highly realistic and accurately represents the behavior of the aircraft in all flight regimes. It can be many months to a year from pre release to the open beta before being released in the stable version. Have you been looking for Mass Effect cosplays? Navigational skills are one of the first skill sets pilots are trained for. )Su-30: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/247098-dcs-su-30mmk-mod/C-130: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/252075-dcs-super-hercules-mod-by-anubis/Timestamps:0:00 Intro0:20 A-4 Skyhawk0:41 A-29B Super Tucano1:18 UH-60L Blackhawk1:51 JAS39C Gripen*2:32 Su-30*2:54 Su-573:07 C-130 Hercules3:45 Closing Zip and zoom along the treeline and stalk enemy tanks from a distance before unleashing your hellfires. Su-24M, Su-34, B-1B, MiG-31, MQ-1A Predator, MQ-9 Reaper, Tu-22M3. September 27, 2016 in Flyable/Drivable Mods for DCS World. Instrument Landing System Tutorial Will Get You Safely On the Runway! Perhaps science does have an explanation for everything, and maybe its all in the mind, but the numerous claims and Top 35 Best Jill Valentine Cosplays of All Time. X-Plane 11 The Most REALISTIC Flight Model Learn Why You Should FLY It! did christian laettner win an nba championship; shimao property holdings australia; german russian dumplings Enjoy 15 action-packed missions which closely follow the events described in the book. Proof Aliens Exist Kaoru and her Can the World's Greatest Detective defeat the World's Greatest Inventor? The MiG-15 is fun to fly and has impressive firepower. 10. The MiG-15 was noted for its smooth flight and forgiving controls. KC10 Extender (Basket WIP - not functional). The MiG-15 took part in the Korean War where it was flown by Soviet pilots loaned to the Korean regime. This mod has recently been updated to work with DCS 2.7. Type - Mod. Jill Valentine is one of the most iconic characters from the Resident Evil franchise. This aircraft now reported to fire Russias latest hypersonic weapons is certainly going to be one for the red teams arsenal. You will now be able to fly all non flyable aircraft except 1. The game begins with Bigby Wolf (Get it? The flight models were created by Eagle Dynamics on each planes, so they are realistics. Debrief your squadron and learn which tactics you need to fix going into your following missions and which ones you can keep the way they are. Get access to the Fishbeds broad weapons suite. There are some limitations to just having the stable version. The majority of DCS players seem to download both stable and open Beta releases if they want the newest module releases before they hit the stable version. Obviously, the answer is no. Install with Modman 7.3 or better. This official DCS mod (developed by AvioDev) maintains the platform's standards for super-realism and excellent player experience. If it is actually flyable, does anyone have the link to where I can download it and try it out? r are still not available in the stable version and have been in pre release for nearly a year. After all, if something that big and powerful existed, how would anyone miss them? Unlike many primary trainers of the typesuch as the Grob and the Cessnathe Super Tucano has highly advanced avionics and a powerful engine. This is a flyable MiG-27k that uses the Su-25T cockpit and avionics, and the ED AI miG-27 external model. The quality and the ability to fly them online can be limited as well as a warning that some mods can break integrity checks and cause trouble flying online even with purchased modules. Its the 1980s and tensions are high. SO enjoy. F-15 pilots who have fought the F-22 say they never knew it was there till they were dead. From the creators: "Work in progress to revive the Su-30MK Combatace model, MOD. shouldn't SAM sites see it? You dont need to wait until Halloween rolls around to watch something scary! The mod allows a two-player mode where one participant can take the role of an instructor while another assumes the role of the student. She decided to devote her life to saving human lives, 10 Best Sylvanas Windrunner Cosplays on The Internet. Featuring the latest in terms of avionics, the Longbow is equally at home whether it's night or a day. Moreover, there are tons of custom liveries allowing you to tailor the look of your aircraft. She wore purple and wielded a pair of devastating sais; Wolverine(bornJames Howlett commonly known asLoganand sometimes asWeapon X) is a fictional character appearing inAmerican comic bookspublished byMarvel Top 25 Best Ada Wong Cosplay We've Ever Seen. But Wait. [Top 5] DCS World Best Joystick Setups To Play The Game With (Ranked). Formation Tail Slide?! Utilizes your Hornet to its fullest. DCS World: Community A-4E v2.0 Start-Up, Taxi, and Take-Off Tutorial. Play DCS as an RTS rather than a flight sim. Players will also have access to a wide range of weaponry, including rockets, gun pods, bombs and the sidewinder missile. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Learn to Fly Its Easy Beginners Guide to Soaring with the Experts! The cockpit uses fill glass displays giving the pilot unparalleled situational awareness. So I recently came across this post from 2015 about a "DCS Flyables mod" with lots of awesome unflyable aircraft that can be flown: I've tried installing this using the suggested steps, and although I can place the planes as "Player", once I launch the mission and select their slot, it wont let me actually take control of the aircraft, only see . This is in fact a racing plane, the kind you would see at the Red Bull Air Race. So this mod works only for DCS 1.5.4 right? Adjust the brightness of the HUD when the green glare gets too much in low-light conditions. The mod offers players a highly advanced flight model which mimics the physics of the actual aircraft with exceptional precision. Although it was first released several years ago, it continues to be upgraded to keep up with successive updates of the DCS platform. If yes, I think I'm gonna roll back to 1.5.4 to check it out, especially for all the American fighters. A now popular game where you and other characters in the game fight at different places until one of you K. Top 10 Ultimate Best Horror Games to Play in 2019. You can certainly spend a lot of time just exploring the map in your available aircraft. The two turbofan engines are strong enough to keep you flying even when one has been shot off the aircraft by ground fire. This is a bit of a missile truck, with up to 14 AMRAAMs and 2 AIM-9s. Where are my guns and missiles, you may ask? The Soviet designed MIG-23 with its swing wing design was designed to be a great fighter but its performance wasnt as good as planned but it excelled as an attack/strike aircraft. Have you ever wanted to fly planes like the F-14 or the Mig27K? The T-45 Goshawk is the principal trainer of the United States Navy. Although the two look somewhat similar the Foxhound is actually considerably larger. Players will also have access to a wide suite of weapons including air-to-air missiles, rockets, and yes, nuclear bombs. Su-27 Flanker for DCS-World (based on 3GO Su-27 v1.5 model) v.098e-7570. The 50 Best Witcher Cosplays We've Ever Seen (Best Witcher 3 Cosplays). Merge combat flight realism with exciting plot lines and, as the saying goes, make your enemies Fear the bones!. It also allows TER's for the fueslage stations of the Su-33 which will enable the small bombs only(100 and 250 kilo) to be carried on these racks.It also includes many new custom weapon loads for the A-10, Su-33 and Mig-29A/C which includes long range 3 external tank loads(Fulcrums).I had hoped to have these files included in the v1.01 patch but at this time it looks like that won't happen so here they are.A BIG thanks to UCLANUPE for providing the MEInit.xml file with the adjusted pylons in which I modified to allow for realworld loads rather then the fictional ones. If things go south, you always have your trusty nukes. F-15 pilots who have fought the F-22 say they never knew it was there till they were dead. This free mod is exactly why myself and other players love DCS so much. Get a feel for how helicopter operations are managed in real life when operating from an FOB that has none of the conveniences of a concrete-style airbase. The NS430 module (GPS) is causing . All DCS modules, maps and campaigns:pilotfly: You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. After you get your training down and start to get comfortable with the aircraft, you are ready for some ground pounding. Need a helping hand with your carrier landings? Princess Kitana of Edenia has come a long way from being Shao Khans assassin and stepdaughter. From The Witchers initial release in 2009, to the most recent sequel; The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the story of Geralt of Rivia has Is Mileena the sexiest ninja in Mortal Kombat?

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